Potato Plastic: the new alternative to disposable plastic
A young student, Pontus TÖrnqvist, winner of the Sweden edition of the James Dyson Awards, has created a material with the scrap of potatoes, to produce straws, cutlery and other tools.
Plastic save-Tamarine
In Colombia, the only country where the Tamarin Edipo lives, the deforestation rate has increased of the 44% between 2015 and 2016, leading it close to extinction.
A prize for the reuse of plastic materials
Un’imbarcazione costruita interamente con plastica riciclata e che presto navigherà lungo le coste africane, in un viaggio di oltre 5000 km dal Kenya fino al Sudafrica per approdare a Città del Capo. ...
In Amsterdam, the first supermarket without plastic
A famous chain has supermarkets created a department without plastic.