Increasing of the costs for energy: polythene price at record levels
Increasing concern for polyethilene producers in the european market.
No to plastic tax, yes to the tax on the dumps
And if instead of the plastic tax we would focus on the dumps?
Packaging, are we going towards the obligation of the 30% of recycled content?
To fix an obligation of 30% of recycled content for plastic packaging, to reach within 2030 is the proposal of plastics Europe
Positive the first semester for Italian producers
Despite the double digit growing turnover and increasing of orders, remains the uncertainties connected to the "Delta variant" and to the high costs of raw materials and logistics.
In september Equiplast will re-open the gates
The spanish triennal of plastic material will take place in Barcellona at the same time of Expoquimia and Eurosurfas.
Summer break
Ecomavi's offices will be closed for Summer Holidays from 01/08/2021 to 15/08/2021 included.
«Disruptive» the impact of the SUP directive (and a unified European framework is missing)
Plastica monouso bandita in tutta l'unione europea: dal 3 luglio è entrata in vigore la direttiva sup (single use plastic).
Foam and plastic production +40%
The industrial production marks a setback after 5 months of growth
Tokyo 2020 and the olimpic podium made with recycled plastic
Opening ceremony of the Games of the 33rd Olympic Games, Tokyo 2020.
Employment among machine builders is growing
The italian builders of machines, mold and tools for the transformation of plastic materials and rubber last year has not only reduced the occupation, but have also registered an increasing of the 3,3 ...