Budget law 2020: plastic tax reduction of 70%

10 December 2019 in News

Budget law 2020: plastic tax reduction of 70%

Change in plastic tax: in the last few days the senate is making some correction to the budget law that foresee a reduction of 70% of the plastic tax. there will probably be a reduction of  the revenue of about 330 millions of euro in year 2020 (70%) and a strenghtening of its function to promote recycling, reuse and innovation. From the new tax recycled plastic will be excluded, as well as the biodegradable and compostable, and all medical devices and packaging for medicine, including syringe.

Source: https://quifinanza.it/fisco-tasse/plastic-tax-ridotta-del-70-ecco-dove-non-si-applica/331038/