Italian Financial reform 2020 – The new tax on plastic

23 October 2019 in News

Italian Financial reform 2020 – The new tax on plastic

For the next economic reform in year 2020, the Italian government is considering to introduce a set of mini taxes that, of course, would affect the people’s pokets. In addition to the standard increases on cigarettes and toys, measures with the aim to promote more environmentally friendly habits. Among these measures we are talking about a plastic fee on packaging and plastic containers to be payed by the producers or importers of these materials. The plastic tax is part of the European strategy to reduce plastic, whose goal is to encourrage more eco-friendly alternatives towards a green conversion of Italian economy. The taxation might be higher than € 0.2/kg initially assumed and will be matched to the incentives for bulk products already foreseen in the Clima Decree recently presented.
