Frequently Asked Questions
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Sì, sono biodegradabili e testati per disciogliersi nelle acque reflue.
It means it dissolves in water. That is, the material degrades in contact with water. Stirring water is recommended for complete dissolution.
PVA and PVOH stands for Polyvinyl Alcohol. It is a chemical compound obtained by hydrolysis, usually alkaline, of polyvinyl esters. Soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents, not permeable for gas.
Whereas ECOMAVI can meet specific customisation requirements, both in size and thickness, the most popular sizes for laundry bags are: 50x60, 66x84, 70x100 and 70x110 cm.
Both film reels and bags are made entirely from water-soluble plastics.
Recommendations for storage include:
• Store in a dry place and away from open flames or heat sources.
• Store in the original packaging.
• Once removed from the original packaging use within one week.
• Avoid accidental contact with water or high relative humidity as the product is water-soluble.
• Natural room ventilation. Use within 6 months from shipment.
ECOMAVI's customer base is global. The current shares are 40% for Italy, 40% for Europe (outside Italy) and 20% World (outside EU).
The main fields of use are in the hygiene, cleaning, dyeing, agrochemical, construction, purification, embroidery and artificial stone sectors.
PVA-based films, formulated to be soluble in cold or hot water. Ldpe films (low density polyethylene) specially microperforated to be used as embroidery backing.
Bags and reels of film made in various sizes and thicknesses with water-soluble pva-based films. Film reels made from Ldpe (low density polyethylene) plastic specially microperforated used for embroidery backing.
Si, il sito produttivo si trova a Massa Lombarda in provincia di Ravenna, Italia.
ECOMAVI is able to certify the Italian origin for about 50% of its products. The transformation takes place entirely in Italy. Virtually all our products are Made in Italy. Ecomavi is also AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) for several countries and is listed in the Rex Register.
ECOMAVI has implemented an ISO 9001: 2015 compliant management system and certification is planned during the first half of 2025. In addition, certification according to Oeko-Tex has been achieved.
Biodegradable: a polluting chemical product or compound that, when dispersed in the environment, readily decomposes into less polluting compounds through the action of bacteria or other microorganisms. To be considered biodegradable, a product must decompose by 90% within 6 months.
Water-soluble: Soluble in water.
Compostable: Material that can be placed in organic waste (or wet waste) because it is decomposing together with wet waste into compost. A compostable material must be biodegradable within 3 months and must pass ecotoxicity tests.
ECOMAVI's production environment is not certified to produce food contact materials.
Product materials are periodically tested for their mechanical properties and solubility. Test Report on the material supplied to the customer can be provided on request.
The size of ECOMAVI's machinery allows to produce film up to width of 2400mm.
Upon request, ECOMAVI can supply material with customised width, length and thickness. The bags can be with or without gussets, with or without tie.
Both impulse and hot-bar welding technologies are suitable, ensuring adequate control of the welding jaws within fairly tight tolerances. The operating temperature is normally between 115°C and 135°C and varies with the type, thickness and moisture of the material; the exact temperature is normally established through testing.
Making packages and packaging with water-soluble films avoids the need for packaging waste to be disposed of. The disposal of any processing waste must be entrusted to an authorised waste management company, in compliance with national and possibly local regulations. The assignment of CER code of the waste depends on the type of activity generating it and the result of specific analyses.
Il film idrosolubile viene usato per stabilizzare i tessuti fini, trasparenti, floccati, maglieria e spugna ma risulta anche perfetto su T-shirt, Polo, Piquet e tessuti in seta, velluto, organza e tulle. Il film viene posizionato sulla parte superiore del tessuto e risulta essere ideale per ottenere una maggiore definizione sul ricamo finito. Una volta terminato il lavoro basterà eliminare il prodotto in eccesso dopo di che eventuali residui potranno essere eliminati con lavaggio oppure con vapore perché essendo idrosolubile si scioglie a contatto con l'acqua. In alternativa alle pellicole idrosolubili e in tutti i casi quando non è possibile rimuovere lo stabilizzatore per ricamo mediante l’acqua, si potrà utilizzare il Termofilm Ecomavi. Apposite pellicole microforate e termofusibili che possono essere rimosse mediante l’azione del calore, utilizzando un’apposita pressa a caldo disponibile in commercio, nei migliori negozi di articoli per ricamo.
The water-soluble film is very easily printable with any pigment supported by highly polar, non-greasy thinners. Water-soluble film requires no surface pre-treatment for ink fixing. The flexographic technique is among the most suitable.
The European Chemicals Agency ECHA has excluded (bio)degradable polymers from the materials producing Micro-Plastics, and thus also ECOMAVI's water-soluble film.